Topics: Data Validation, Text Formulas, Date Formulas, Flash Fill and Array Formulas
Topics in this video:
1. TODAY function to put in today’s date so that it updates each day (00:19 min)
2. NOW to put in today’s date and time so that it updates each day (00:38 min)
3. Keyboard for hard coding today’s date (Ctrl + and time (Ctrl + Shift +
(00:48 min)
4. YEAR and MONTH and DAY functions to add extra columns to data sets so that you can perform data analysis. (01:25 min)
5. SUMIFS and Helper Column to add sales by Year. (02:33 min)
6. EOMONTH function (03:25 min)
7. EDATE function to calculate same day next month (04:31 min)
8. DATE and YEAR and MONTH and DAY functions to calculate same day next month (05:34 min)
9. EDATE function to calculate Vest Date (07:30 min)
10. DATE and YEAR and MONTH and DAY functions to calculate Vest Date (07:57 min)
11. DATE, LEFT, MID, RIGHT functions to create serial number date from database output date (eight consecutive number output) (08:19 min)
12. TEXT functions and Forward Slash to Insert Characters into Number Format to create serial number date from database output date (eight consecutive number output) (09:38 min)
Convert year month date number to a serial number.