IF & IS Functions To Deliver Numbers, Text, Formulas, Nested IFs

Topics: AND and OR Criteria. Important Functions like: SUMIFS, IF, AND, OR, and more…



Topics in this video:
1. IF Function to deliver numbers (00:33 min)
2. IF Function to deliver text (01:37 min)
3. IF Function to deliver formulas (03:19 min)
4. IF Function to deliver functions (05:19 min)
5. Nested IFs (07:51 min)
6. Null Text String, LEN function and ISTEXT function (10:24 min)
7. Checkbook example 1: IF functions, Null Text String and equal comparative operator (12:23 min)
8. Checkbook example 2: IF functions, Null Text String and NOT comparative operator (17:27 min)
9. Examples of IS functions in Excel: ISTEXT function, ISNUMBER function, ISLOGICAL function, ISBLANK function, ISERROR function, ISERR function, ISNA function, ISNONTEXT function, ISFORMULA (18:17 min)
10. Checkbook example 4: IF functions, ISBLANK function (19:30 min)
11. Checkbook example 5: IF functions, ISNUMBER function (20:42 min)
12. Checkbook example 6: IF functions, ISTEXT function (20:21 min)
13. Baseball data Set example IF function and COUNTIFS function (22:21 min)
